SSC Exam Suggestion 2017 ICT
SSC Examination exclusive Suggestion 2017 for ICT. your SSC Result 2017 is knocking at the door. so practicing this suggestions

What does it call the line on the screen?
I. When the initiative to make palmtop was taken?
a. After 1990 b. After 1995
c. After 1998 d. After 2005
2. In which generation's computer transistor was used?
a. 1st b. 2nd
4th c. 3rd d,4tu
3. Which one is 3rd generation computer?
a. IBM 1620 b. NCR300
c. GE600 d. IBM701
4. What will be there in (?) symbol?
5. What does it mentioned by the picture?
a. Central processing unit
b. One computer
c. Function of RAM
d. Data Processing
6. How many bits processor are

a. Program b. Hardware
c. Software d. Farm ware
Why does Ratul cannot do any work?
a. His computer has no operating system
b. His computer has no processor
c. His computer has no VGA card
d. His computer has no modem What is the next number of (FF) 6?
a. FPO b. FOF
c. 100 d. FF I
What is the last number of the octal number system?
a. 6 b. 7
c. 8 d. F
What is the decimal value of (1011)2?
a. (11)10 b. (12)10
C.(13)10 d.(14)10
See the equation below and answer the question
No. 12 and 13:
Y = A13 + Mr- Alr
Which gate is indicate by 1st two terms?
a. NAND b. NOR
c. XOR d. XNOR
For which of the following inputs output will be zero (0)?
a. A=0, b. A=0, B=1
c. A=1, 13=0 d. A=1, B=1
Which one is the popular word processing program?
a. MS Excel b. MS Word
c. Word Pad d. Note Pad
15. What is call the line in which there are Home, Insert. View etc.?
a. Menu bar b. Tab bar
c. Tool bar d. Ribbon
16. Which computer is used to type Bengali in our country?
a. Apple b. Main frame
c. Macintosh d. IBM
17. Which one is multimedia development tool?
a. Page mill b. Director
c. Microsoft SDK
d. Odesk
18. What is 'Liza'?
a. Computer b. Processor
c. Operating system
d. Word processor
19. Which one is the popular network system in the Macintosh computer?
a. Omni net b. Apple talk
c. Local talk d. LAN
20. In which topology the computers are connected to each other?
a. Bus b. Star
c. Mesh d. Ring
21. 10 mod 5 = ?
a.2 b.5 c.10 d.0
22. What is the maximum number
can be used by Text data type?
a. 256 b. 255
c. 128 d. 64
23. Which one is the correctly written fonnula?
a. =ADD (AI : A10)
b. = SUM (Al, A10)
c. = SUM (Al : M 0)
d. = ADD (Al + A10)
24. Which one is not an email address?
25. What is called the program that is written la high level language?
a. Program code
b. Source code
c. Object code d. Octal code
26. What is called the field that contains the unique data?
a. Primary key b. Composite key c. Foreign key
d. Primary composite key
27. Communication protocol is
a. TCP b. LAN
c. ISDN d. Windows
28. Which one can be the extension of a still image file?
i. dat ii. JPG iii. bmb
Which one is correct?
a. i & ii b. ii & iii
c. i & iii d. i, ii & iii
29. Which one is not a reserve word?
a. Else b. Public
c. Length d. Private
30. What is the keyboard command of Paste?
a. Ctrl + P b. Ctrl + X
c. Ctrl + V